Monday, February 14, 2011

Valentine's Day

I had no idea what to get A for Valentine's day (yes, I think men should get gifts on v-day too!). One night, as I was staying up way later than I should meandering the internet aimlessly, I came across, quite possibly, the cheesiest website I've ever seen. It's called Links 2 Love. And while most of their items are far beyond my romantic threshold, there was one thing that I came across that I thought was actually rather cute.

Can you make out the little black scribbles on the two pillowcases? It is a man climbing on a rope to a woman, waiting for him on the other side. It reminded me of long-distance love.

I figured that I could easily make similar pillows, especially since A (bf) and I happen to have the same sheet set from Target...

2 pillowcases
Soft fabric (I chose satin) - 1 yard should be more than enough
Thread that matches the above fabric
Fabric markers if the pillowcases are light in color (otherwise, you will use the thread instead)

1. Get out your first pillowcase

2. Lay out your fabric

(Yes, that is a black flower in the background left over from Halloween...)

3. Draw a heart on some paper and cut it out.

4. Lay the heart on the fabric and cut around it. You can try taping the center of the heart to the fabric so that it doesn't move. You will be folding the edges of the heart under itself so that it will not fray, so cut an inch or so out from the paper heart.

5. Place a large bit of cardboard inside the pillowcase, so that when you sew on the heart (assuming you're handstitching and not using a machine), you don't go through both sides.
Lay the heart shaped piece of fabric on top of the pillowcase. Next, fold an edge of the fabric underneath itself and start sewing that in to place. You may want to do this inch by inch because it is hard to get the curves just right so that they don't look jagged.

6. Now your heart should be entirely sewn to the pillowcase.

7. Stitch a line from the heart to the edge of the pillowcase- this will be the rope.

8. Then, since I was having a terrible time hand sketching the little man and the little woman, I printed it off from the Links to Love website, cut it out and stitched around it (since the pillowcase was too dark for me to use fabric markers).

9. When you're done sewing the heart, rope, and person, move on to the second pillowcase.

10. The finished products should look something like this...

Happy Valentine's Day!


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